Importing a Field to SSRS Report

Just wanted to chime in and confirm that @jkane is correct here. I have added OrderNum to my customized invoice… so I’ll add some screen shots below.

As John stated, there is no need to duplicate that Report Data Definition as standard (out-of-the-box) RDD already includes InvcDtl.OrderNum. However, if you already duplicated the RDD and are using a custom one, that’s fine too. It shouldn’t hurt anything… BUT… One thing to make sure you do (IF you created a custom RDD) is to make sure you select/reference the new RDD in Report Style.

Below is a snip… This is the Report Style Maintenance of ARForm…

I had created a custom style called “NFM Invoice” and I am referencing a custom RDD called “ARInvoice_NFM” (circled in red).

Again, this is only if you’re using a new custom Report Data Definition.

On the SSRS side… make sure T2.OrderNum is included in your query. As you can see below, I have it included in my customized AR Invoice:


Again, as @jkane mentioned, add the “field” like below (query field, NOT calc field):

You can then add it to your report:



@dcamlin , much appreciated. I am on v8, so can’t get the screenshots you did. Thanks for doing that and adding onto my posts.

@Creese , let us know if you have any questions.

I’ve never looked at the Kinetic versions of these screens either (Report style & RDD), so I had to fumble through them to get screen captures, hahaha. I guess I’ll need to get used to them sooner or later!

@Creese, like John mentioned… if you get errors, please post the details and we can help track down any issues.

Hello, thank you for this explanation. I am using the out of the box RDD but I did make a copy of the Standard SSRS so I can edit it. Originally I used T1.OrderNum but later found out it was T2.OrderNum

However that still gives an error and the monitor says unexpected error.

can you post a pic of the error details?

adding field

field planted

in query

monitor error

I see that you are doing this in Pilot. Have you uploaded the report to the Pilot environment? By default, Epicor does not load all of the reports in the Pilot environment. I always had to import them to test in Pilot.

@Creese, can you verify one thing for me… there may be a “gotcha” that we didn’t catch…

Report Style: ARForm (correct)

Report Data Definition:… there are (2) possibilities… do a search… There is ARForm and also one called ARInvoice

I THINK, out of the box, the ARForm (Report Style) calls out the ARInvoice (RDD).

Here’s a screen shot of my report style "details:

Note that the BASE style calls out ARInvoice RDD… and my customized style calls our ARInvoice_NFM

The ARInvoice RDD does NOT include OrderNum!!!

I would try this:

  • DUPLICATE the ARInvoice RDD…
  • uncheck the OrderNum checkbox on the InvcDtl exclusions
  • point your new Report Style to the new customized ARInvoice RDD
  • Test

I have been doing this work in live and only recently put it in pilot. I will try it again in Live.

I am using ARForm.
Looking at the RDD I saw OrderNum in CashDtl (this was shown above at 16/30)

Understood… but don’t look at the ARForm (RDD)… its the wrong one.

The ARForm (Report Style) is pointing at the ARInvoice (RDD).

The ARInvoice (RDD) doesn’t “include” OrderNum. It doesn’t even include many of the same tables as the ARForm (RDD):

So I selected New for RDD. There is a drop down for Duplicate. Though it is grayed out. How do I make a copy of the ARInvoices without manually adding each box?

Yeah, don’t start from scratch by clicking “new” right off the bat.

You should be able to open the ARInvoice RDD… then in the overflow menu select 'Duplicate Report" and give it a new name like “ARInvoice_XXX”.

Neat, Report duped.
So with the ARInvoice duplicate. go to Detail and InvcHead and uncheck the two boxes Exclude Column and Exclude Label for OrderNum.

Anywhere else I need to do this?

Exclude label doesn’t really matter… but yes, you got it. That should be all you need.

Now, go to Report Style Maintenance… and change the Report Data Definition of your ARForm report to point at your newly created ARInvoice RDD.

Save the Report Style (to make sure it captures the change in RDD) and then test.




Looks like you unchecked the exclusion on InvcHead table… do it on InvcDtl table.

Sorry, I didn’t catch that in your previous post.

oof, My bad-

I changed that and a number now loads. Whoo!

Thank-you guys so much!

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Happy New Years!

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