Appreciate some thoughts on setting up a new company in Epicor.
We’re planning to create a new company but it will be following the configuration from our current company. Understand that there are no such thing as duplicating the company.
Is there any best practice for this instead of doing it from scratch?
In addition to that, I would deeply appreciate if anyone have any sort of implementation checklist or suggestion to share as well
I just went through it. Depending on the target company you can pretty much copy-paste all from the mother company. We had a case where the target company was in another tax region so the tax setting could not be copied just like that.
By copying, I mean uploading the items and MOMs if possible via DMT. All the lists of users, employees, reason codes, and such.
Parts, suppliers, and customers can be globally linked and should also be able to update via DMT, but the linking template did not work for me. I have a shortlist of operational tasks:
1 Calendars
1 Class and group GL Control and class settings
1 Class Category ID references invalid value.
1 Class ID references the invalid value
1 Company Configuration / Maintenance set up
1 Country entries
1 Currencies set up with auto-update
1 Customers linked
1 Employees and capabilities
1 Financial country-specific settings (currencies, tax, tax categories, regulations)
1 FOB methods
1 Group references invalid value.
1 HS Commodity Code
1 MOMs carried over from GMBH or new
1 Operations setup including resources
1 Parts from carried over /link + updated
1 Planner list linked with parts
1 Resources and equipment
1 Shipping methods
1 Site Configuration / Maintenance set up
1 Suppliers linked to SKT_FI
1 UOM & IUOM classes
1 Warehouse and bins setup
2 Buyer’s workbench validation including PO loops
2 Electrode mfg serial tracing level and capability - customizations are critical for mfg batch tracking
2 Epicor customizations that need to be carried over
2 Equipment and resources
2 Inspection plans (incoming, electrode, expiry), FIFO)
2 Maintenance planning in Epicor
2 MES and reporting
2 Planning workbench validation
2 PO buyers and loops
3 Epicor processes (MRP, POsugg, others)
3 Financial transactions and reports
4 Hardware available in Epicor (label printers etc)
5 Cost validation
If you want to ensure that as many records as possible are kept synchronized across companies, you need to look at setting up Global Records.
A large number of setup areas in Epicor support this functionality, although the checkbox is not always visible on the forms but are generally visible in the list views. More fundamental areas (companies and sites) are generally configured separately, however we have developed a series of BAQs that allow us to “export to Excel” the appropriate data and DMT it into the new company/site setup
Thanks everyone for the valuable inputs above, it seems like more or less the option is to export the current data as an excel and re-import it back via DMT.
We’re skipping the global setup as the new companies will not be using the same part/vendor/customer data, I’ll need to manually DMT those in as well.
The checklist would help a lot just in case I missed out anything
We have a module and topic checklist also which you can follow up, but if you do not use global setup then it is a bit of overkill. ChecklistForNewSite.xlsx (13.1 KB)
Thanks for sharing Rennat, it’ll come in handy after filtering the relevant ones
As for my customization/BAQ/Dashboard, solution workbench would do the job for me.
Thank you Rennat. A request came in for a new site. We no longer have Finance people familiar with the Epicor setup. This will help me find the data that needs to be duplicated.