This little riff on making a password game is quite fun and frustrating for the first 20 or so minutes.
Its the new craze Ala Wordle it can be fun me and the team and I did it for a bit till we all lost
#TeamBuilding #BackToWork
I got to the Chess and …
Ah the chess one is not too bad except that it always seems to cause issues for other parts LoL. Got past that and died there after, it quickly goes wayyyyyyy dumpsterfire, you gotta feed the chicken and sh*t
One note, if the chess one is giving you trouble setting the King in check requires a plus sign be used B2f+ ← without it its invalid even if the move is the right one.
It will inevitably, break your Atomic Number and or Roman Numeral totals
Whoever designed this is evil.
They were sick/poisonous?
My chicken be like:
Have some damn restraint, Paul. Stop eating when you’re full!
This very much sounds like some shit you’d come up with
Poor Paul