I built a fair amount of customization onto the ECO process for our needs, which includes both data directives and method directives. I pass variables between directives (and between types of directives) on BPM Call Context Data to use as conditionals for when directives should run. It was a beast to create in the first place, and troubleshooting is almost as bad.
I’ve tried a few times to diagram the flow of method calls and BPM actions, but I didn’t come up with much that could handle the size and complexity. Do you document your BPMs? Is it scalable? What program do you use? I’m interested in how others handle this.
I mostly use word documents, and/or excel files to document a group of BPMs that are required for a specific customization. The word document describes the functions of each BPM. I try to refrain from using the BPM Variables for passing too much data, because it can get confusing using those generic variables. Now that I have used JSON recently, I may consider using a JSON string to pass a bunch of labeled variables through one Characterxx field.
Another tool I have used for more complex flows is a simple free drawing tool available here: https://www.draw.io/