Ideas for Creating BPM Log

Hey team! I got another one.
I was following the educational on-demand programs for writing BPMs (method directives). In the example, they mention a step about writing the contents of the BPM to a table like a log file.

I thought it would be good practice to create a log table or log file of some kind to capture all of the BPMs that fire. It may be useful for diagnostic. Anyone have any ideas or seen any other posts like this that I can refer to?

I was thinking it might include:

Business Object
Directive Name
Data of what was updated/done
Error (if any)

Any ideas how to get the data from a widget into a custom C# window to write to the UD table?
Any idea how to see if an email actually sent? Or if there were errors?

Example of my proposal below.

Server Logging can be enabled on Admin Console to capture all this data for you and if you set it to log for 1000mb you can analyze it and check speeds and users etc…

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