I am shamelessly soliciting votes for my idea: Pre-Filter Landing Page Records on the Server
The problem: Kinetic Landing Pages for Customer Entry, Sales Order Entry, and Quote Entry, by default, only bring in the first 200 records. For users who aren’t sales reps, this doesn’t present an issue. The first 200 records will load in the grid of each application.
If the user IS a sales rep, the dataset still returns the first 200 records, but then filters out the ones that don’t belong to the user’s territory. This can lead to 0 results on the Landing Page, or 5, or 10…it all depends on the order of those first 200 records. The end result is a Landing Page that only shows a fraction of the records available to the user. It requires the user to click the Download button in the toolbar to load the remaining records, or perform a search using their territory as a filter. Even column-filtering works on records that haven’t been loaded yet (i.e. you can search (and get results) for records that aren’t showing in the grid).
This creates extra steps for the sales user and defeats the purpose of a landing page.
The fix: When the Landing Page initializes to fetch the data, pre-filter the records on the server based on the territory of the user.