Okay, I managed to make my C# .Net application in Visual Studio to call a REST service at preferred frequency to monitor license usage via Ice.BO.AdminSessionSvc/GetSessionList…this is great cuz now I have boiler plate code for calling Epicor REST services externally…it also includes login via the UI to gain access to the service…
This was done with the help of Swagger to first test (and generate a code snippet) and then used RestSharp in Visual Studio
For newbies like me, some might find it useful, I’m happy to share, it’s nothing elaborate but I’ve found since being here that finding simple, fully functional/complete examples is not always easy to find…
(we are Saas hosted btw)
Here’s my question though…
my results show like 25 of me that look like this:
I need to understand license usage, all these sessions seem to show the following:
- LicNum = 0
- Suspended = false
- Expired = true
- InUse = false
Looking for how do I identify active license usage ?
Thanks again