I’ll start with the questions - and then explain our approach if you want to read that much
Once you add a user to a User Group, they get access to any menu levels controlled by a Security ID that has that User Group listed on it - and to all Security ID’s set to “Allow All”. You also need to watch any “Disallow Access” entries - lots of people overlook that, and I try not to use it.
I open both User Maintenance (to the user Groups page) and Menu Maintenance. Then I travers the Menu in Menu Maintenance as though I’m the user and starting from the top. At each branch, check the Security ID for Allow/Disallow User Groups and make sure the User Maintenance form show that group. This always works for me and doesn’t take but a few minutes.
There is also a Menu Security Audit Report - but it can be super huge. It’s pretty good if you don’t want to use my method above.
The longer bits & what we try to do…
This can get real complicated because menu items like Job Tracker appear in like 10 different places in the overall menu structure. The best I can all figure is that certain accounting folks need the Job Tracker but not the rest of production sub-menus, so there’s a copy of it the Accounting sub menu. So Epicor’s base menu structure is based on that kind of theory, in general.
Personally, I don’t use UserID’s inside Menu Maint. - unless it’s a very, very specific reason. Plus, I’ve convinced my folks of a few things:
- IT/Engineers and Accounting Mgmt are the only folks who can get into ANY of the Setup menu branches.
- Everyone can get into the Reports branches
- And that accounting folks get everything in accounting under their job-related menu (AP or AR, etc.) and the same goes with other functional groups. I’m not giving or taking away things under General Operations (or Setup, or Reports) between people who work in the same department.
***These rules are OK for us because we’re not goverened by any sort of rules, compliance, or national security stuff. Thank God.
Lastly - I’ve create a top level menu item for our Custom stuff. Dashbaords, BAQ reports, specail UI stuff, etc. Everyone has access, but in that folder, I have a few IT-ONLY items and security has been modified as such.
In all of this, I’ve only needed to create like 5 new Security ID’s inside Menu Maintenance.
So if you have all kinds of complicated rules and stuff, this will be difficult. I’ve talked to folks who basically have built each User Group/Department their own Top level menu item, and just put their stuff in there. Then things are real easy - but to get there takes a LOT of work.
Generally I took the approach that in each department there are managers, processors/power users, and data entry folks. I end up having those three user groups in some form for each department. In Menu Maintenance, the groups are just assigned to the menu branches that match. If the Accounting guys need Production reports, then I add that user group to the menu security IDs for Production Mgmt/JobMgmt/Reports. We don’t have too much crossover except for the managers. Almost all the top/1st/2nd level menus have all the manager groups, and almost 100% of the 2nd level menus are set to 'Allow Access to all".