I need to mark materials complete on a job

I have a job for a machine we are building that has over 1000 material lines items. The job is nearing completion, but 260 of these materials are still showing open. There are various reasons for this. But, these lines need to be marked complete so MRP will stop picking them up and wanting the materials to be ordered.

I have found an Issue Material upload in the DMT. Is that the best way to handle this? I have nine other similar jobs that also need to be cleaned up.



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If the materials have been physically consumed, you can use DMT issue material. I do that based on a query of the job closing log table and the job material table, every day.

One gotcha though, is that if the operation marked “final operation” is completed, the job is marked “candidate” and issuing the material will take it from inventory fine but will issue it to material variance, not to the job costs.

There’s also a job cost adjustment app but I’ve never tried it.

Hi, Steve.
At this point, I am going to assume the job physically has all of the material it needs. My intention is to issue material to the open requirements at 0 quantity and simply set the issued complete flags with the DMT upload. No costs should need to be adjusted.

Oooh. I didn’t know that. I thought it was looking at job receipt to x transactions and putting to variance any material added that it couldn’t tie to a future MFG-STK/MFG-CUS transaction.

If you don’t want to make any adjustments to already-issued quantities and costs, the JobMtl.IssuedComplete checkbox should be editable, so you could do a DMT upload for Job Material updating this column to true for all of these materials you no longer want suggestions for.

You don’t need to do DMT for this. Issued complete is in list view of Job Entry or you can do an updatable baq. Copy out to excel set all of them to true and do a paste update back into the list.

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Another solution for this (if you want to do this for ALL jobs) is to have a BPM that fires whenever an operation is marked as complete, and have that BPM update all the materials associated with the operation to be marked complete.


That sounds interesting. I am afraid I am not to that Jedi skill level yet.

I am not seeing the Issued Complete column in the list view on the Job Details>Materials>List sheet. The other issue is that this view only shows the materials for the highlighted subassembly. I only have 618 subassemblies on this job. I will look further into the BAQ idea.


Not sure about others’ use cases, @timshuwy, but there are way too many instances fornus when material doesn’t issue automatically because whatever reasons. I’m going to partly blame some of my customizations that look up and issue things, but there’s a lot of “we changed that from purchased to manufactured” or “oops we forgot to add another operation after the backflushed one” or even “oops we took the parts right off the truck without receiving them”

These are all on us not “you” but I definitely wouldn’t want to cover over the warning light like this!

me neither until recently. We have had to sharpen our pencils on some big repeat jobs, and found our costs were off.

I was also

But unlike @mattropak my focus was on making sure inventory of raw materials was accurate. So I was cheerfully issuing material to jobs, solving our need for a lot of inventory adjustments but creating material variance.

Looks like I exposed it in a personalization for me and a few materials people. With that many subs a UBAQ would be faster. I just looked at my UBAQ and it was very simple with just the issued completed as an updatable field.

So, here is the solution I came up with. I did a DMT upload to update the required job material quantities on the job to equal the quantities that had already been issued to those material sequences.

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