I just want the standard NACHA file output

I’ve read the official guide several times. I’ve looked over this forum several times.

I got pretty close. But the items in red (below) make no sense to me.

  • Per NACHA, the first red item should be the payee’s routing number but it keeps pulling the one from our bank in Epicor
  • The other two in red are wrong and it irks me, but it may not adversely matter
  • And everything else seemed to line up eventually (subject to actual testing)

Does ANYONE use the NACHA file AS-IS - no coding modifications? What am I missing?

EDIT 3/6/24 after @gpayne corrected me:

  1. The first red block - my note is wrong; the file is right - that is supposed to be our bank’s routing number
  2. Second red block (as well as the first teal block) - supposed to be our bank’s “ID” (max 10 char) - which is something abnormal, and the bank will tell you what they want there.
  3. Last red block - it’s probably wrong as implemented, but it does not matter


Yes, we use both Domestic and International as is in 11.1.200 weekly .

Line 1 4-13 is your banks routing number. The Company ID was given to us by our bank for their system and is also in line 5.

Line 8 does have our tax id, but they never have balked at it.

We did a couple of test runs with the bank and have been using the standard files for almost two years now.

You must enter at minimum the vendor bank country, so Epicor knows Domestic or Intl. I always want the complete bank name and full address, but accounting can’t seem to do all of that typing :frowning:

I see, I feel stupid.

Our bank worded this poorly:


And I dozed off halfway through the NACHA guide and read only up to the highlighted part here:

So I interpreted “destination” and “receiving the ACH” as the people getting the money. Nope, it’s our bank. They mean our bank.

OK, very good advice, thank you.

I’ll be marking your answer as the solution, but I still want to put together a comprehensive guide and share it.

That’s absurd and hilarious. Ugh, I guess it’s time to submit an Idea…

The odd/bad thing is in 10.2.400 when I tried to make the file they had the tax id where the bank id went which is why I knew what it was and they fixed it in line 1. but left it wrong in line 8. :person_shrugging: