OK… to all my friends here on the forum… I am changing roles at Epicor. I will no longer be a Principal Consultant in Professional Services (which I have been doing for 16+ years).
I have a accepted a new position which is: Sr Principal Product Manager - Cloud Migrations. In this new role, I will no longer be focused on one or two customers at a time. Instead, I will be defining Roadmaps & Solutions for all our customer to make it easier to migrate to the cloud.
But don’t worry, I will still be around to answer questions. BUT I will probably be asking some new questions of you as well (about the cloud) .
Congratulations @timshuwy! So excited for you in this new role. But sad to hear you won’t be doing what you’ve always done for the past 16+ years. You’ve been SO GOOD at it and so helpful to all of us users! Thank you for that! But I’m sure you will be amazing in this new role too. I wish you all the best! You just jumped up to the top of the list as @Mark_Wonsil 's new best friend!
(P.S. I think we need a Cloud Emoji as an option on our Posts! )
Congratulations, Tim. My only regret is that we didn’t get enough of your advice before you moved on, but you have to place your assets where they can best help the business.
I’m grateful for all of your help in the past, though. Fortunately, this site retains a healthy amount of your past guidance.
Congrats @timshuwy. As a voice from your past, I will sing the same praises as everyone to you for your expertise, willingness to help, and good humor. Though I am pretty sure I won’t sing it as well as you could.
Yes sir. You have a good memory (or good notes ) as always. Currently working at an Aerospace and Defense company I really enjoy in L.A. We spoke briefly at an Insights conference a few years back. You seemed to be doing well and surrounded by people who knew you as always. Glad to see that they recognized your talent and moved you “Up”.
@timshuwy , I’m a little late to the party, but congrats!!!
Now that you’re the Cloud Guy, maybe you can help with something I’ve been struggling with lately…
I was on Prem for years and didn’t really keep up with the progression of Cloud/SaaS options from like 2017 to 2021. Now I am working with “cloud” customers again and am trying to understand the current landscape of “cloud” options going into 2022. But I feel like I’m getting lost in the terminology… “Public Cloud”, “Private Cloud”, “Gov Cloud”, “Dedicated Tenant”, “SaaS”, and so on… it seems like people are using so many terms interchangeably that the word “Cloud” has become amorphous and meaningless… Not to mention, all the documentation I’ve been able to find is just filled with marketing / salesperson speak that hardly tells me anything.
I guess what I’m looking for is “white paper” documentation that cuts through all the marketing and connects all the terminology to what it actually is on a technical / infrastructure level. Bonus points for listing any and all technical limitations compared to On Prem (e.g. if custom code is restricted in certain areas, etc.).
Does documentation like that exist? Or do I have to keep reading yours and @Mark_Wonsil 's EpiUsers posts to find what I’m looking for?