How we can pass the GUID in the link accurately to the report server

Dears, i have a problem, i have this link and variable passing it to the report server
i want to check if the link is correct or no

Private Sub SaveReport(ByVal vORderNum As String, ByVal vGUID As String)
    Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient()
    Dim url As String = "http://e10/reports/report/%Epicor10Test%CustomWork%SalesOrderAcknowledgments%SOForm&rs:Format=PDF&rs:Command=Render&TableGuid=" & vGUID
	webClient.UseDefaultCredentials = True
    webClient.DownloadFile(url, "c:\temp\" & vORderNum & ".pdf")
  End Sub

Are you asking if
is correct?

I think the generic format is:

So maybe something like:


take a look at

Thank you man!