How to use ListBox in Epicor 10?

Hi there,

I’m currently working on a customization where I need to allow the selection of multiple names from a dropdown list (which should be populated from a BAQ). I understand that in Kinetic, there’s a ListBox control available for this purpose, but I’m not sure how to implement something similar in Classic. Any guidance or information would be greatly appreciated!


What have you tried so far? There is a BAQ Combo that does exactly what you describe.


I am using a BAQ combo but i’m only able to select one record.
What changes i would have to make to select multiple records?
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

You might want to try using a picker panel.

There is a post with some basic notes on how to achieve it here
Multiple selections from user codes list - Epicor ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum

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