How to update UD fields with Data Directive

I am trying to update some _UD fields with summed data by using a Data Directive. I believe it should be In-Transaction. Do I HAVE to use custom code (which I have no idea where to start)? Or is there some way to run SQL code which i am waaay more proficient and knowledgeable with?
Or is there some other option I am missing?

I have a BAQ which pulls the summed data - is there anyway to use that???

In-trans is the way to go. You can use the “Set field” widget.

I think you would need some custom code to pull in the BAQ’s data. There are several posts on here that outline how you could do it.

I see where I can set the summed data in the ‘Set Field’, but my _UD fields are not available to select to update.

What version are you on? You may need to select the _UD table, or check the “show custom fields” checkbox. Ours show at the very bottom.


I had closed / reopened Epicor after creating fields - when i restarted my computer the fields showed up.

However, the Set Field won’t work because I need to sum data from the LaborDtl - grouping by LaborType and JobMatl.TotalCost grouping by Part.TypeCode. SO. Custom code - ugh!!! wish me luck. i had poked around in here to find a scenerio such as I needed and didn’t find any. I’ll look again.

What’s the summed data equation? If it’s not too complex, a LINQ statement could be another simpler option.

Basic sum / group by queries

SELECT LaborType, SUM((LaborRate + BurdenRate) * LaborHrs) AS LaborSum
FROM Erp.LaborDtl
GROUP BY Company, ProjectID, LaborType
HAVING (ProjectID = N’XXX’) AND (Company = N’xxx’)

SELECT Erp.Part.TypeCode, SUM(Erp.JobMtl.TotalCost) AS Total
FROM Erp.Part INNER JOIN Erp.JobMtl ON Erp.Part.Company = Erp.JobMtl.Company AND Erp.Part.PartNum = Erp.JobMtl.PartNum INNER JOIN
Erp.JobHead ON Erp.JobMtl.Company = Erp.JobHead.Company AND Erp.JobMtl.JobNum = Erp.JobHead.JobNum
GROUP BY Erp.JobHead.ProjectID, Erp.Part.TypeCode, Erp.JobHead.Company
HAVING (Erp.JobHead.ProjectID = N’xxx’) AND (Erp.JobHead.Company = N’xxx’)

Also what table are you trying to update?

ProjectCst UD fields: (cased on returned Codes)

LINQ may be another option then. It’s pretty similar to SQL, and can be used in a Set Argument / Variable widget. You could set up 5 LINQ statements for each UD field to use in a set-field widget. Here’s a statement I previously used for labor quantity sums. I changed it to calculate indirect labor costs:

(from laborDtlRows in Db.LaborDtl 
where laborDtlRows.Company == callContextClient.CurrentCompany && laborDtlRows.ProjectID == ttProjCostRow.ProjectID && laborDtlRows.LaborType == "I"
select laborDtlRows.LaborHrs*(laborDtlRows.LaborRate + laborDtlRows.BurdenRate)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum()

I haven’t tested it, we don’t really use the projects functionality here. But you could give it a shot, the syntax is OK. For the production and setup costs, you could do the same thing but change the laborType from I to S/P. A similar statement could be used for the material costs.

How did you declare your variable? I just took what you had and pasted into the Editor and it doesn’t work. But, I don’t have the ‘IndirectLabor’ variable that you do. I missed a step somewhere.

Thanks for your help! I may be using the wrong directive. I didn’t get an error with your code, and it seems to be on the right path!

And this…

Note that the ICE manual shows the different ways for DD’s and MD’s, but has the swapped.

Sorry for the confusion, I didn’t actually use that IndirectLaborCost variable in the screen shot. I just directly set a field (didn’t have your UD fields) to the LINQ result in that “set field” widget. You could also use the LINQ statement to set a variable (that you create).

This is in an in-trans data directive on the ProjCost table. I didn’t see the “ProjectCst” table until I looked a second time. Here’s how the LINQ statement would change for that table:

(from laborDtlRows in Db.LaborDtl 
where laborDtlRows.Company == callContextClient.CurrentCompany && laborDtlRows.ProjectID == ttProjectCstRow.ProjectID && laborDtlRows.LaborType == "I"
select laborDtlRows.LaborHrs*(laborDtlRows.LaborRate + laborDtlRows.BurdenRate)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum()