I am trying to update some _UD fields with summed data by using a Data Directive. I believe it should be In-Transaction. Do I HAVE to use custom code (which I have no idea where to start)? Or is there some way to run SQL code which i am waaay more proficient and knowledgeable with?
Or is there some other option I am missing?
I have a BAQ which pulls the summed data - is there anyway to use that???
I had closed / reopened Epicor after creating fields - when i restarted my computer the fields showed up.
However, the Set Field won’t work because I need to sum data from the LaborDtl - grouping by LaborType and JobMatl.TotalCost grouping by Part.TypeCode. SO. Custom code - ugh!!! wish me luck. i had poked around in here to find a scenerio such as I needed and didn’t find any. I’ll look again.
SELECT LaborType, SUM((LaborRate + BurdenRate) * LaborHrs) AS LaborSum
FROM Erp.LaborDtl
GROUP BY Company, ProjectID, LaborType
HAVING (ProjectID = N’XXX’) AND (Company = N’xxx’)
SELECT Erp.Part.TypeCode, SUM(Erp.JobMtl.TotalCost) AS Total
FROM Erp.Part INNER JOIN Erp.JobMtl ON Erp.Part.Company = Erp.JobMtl.Company AND Erp.Part.PartNum = Erp.JobMtl.PartNum INNER JOIN
Erp.JobHead ON Erp.JobMtl.Company = Erp.JobHead.Company AND Erp.JobMtl.JobNum = Erp.JobHead.JobNum
GROUP BY Erp.JobHead.ProjectID, Erp.Part.TypeCode, Erp.JobHead.Company
HAVING (Erp.JobHead.ProjectID = N’xxx’) AND (Erp.JobHead.Company = N’xxx’)
LINQ may be another option then. It’s pretty similar to SQL, and can be used in a Set Argument / Variable widget. You could set up 5 LINQ statements for each UD field to use in a set-field widget. Here’s a statement I previously used for labor quantity sums. I changed it to calculate indirect labor costs:
(from laborDtlRows in Db.LaborDtl
where laborDtlRows.Company == callContextClient.CurrentCompany && laborDtlRows.ProjectID == ttProjCostRow.ProjectID && laborDtlRows.LaborType == "I"
select laborDtlRows.LaborHrs*(laborDtlRows.LaborRate + laborDtlRows.BurdenRate)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum()
I haven’t tested it, we don’t really use the projects functionality here. But you could give it a shot, the syntax is OK. For the production and setup costs, you could do the same thing but change the laborType from I to S/P. A similar statement could be used for the material costs.
How did you declare your variable? I just took what you had and pasted into the Editor and it doesn’t work. But, I don’t have the ‘IndirectLabor’ variable that you do. I missed a step somewhere.
Sorry for the confusion, I didn’t actually use that IndirectLaborCost variable in the screen shot. I just directly set a field (didn’t have your UD fields) to the LINQ result in that “set field” widget. You could also use the LINQ statement to set a variable (that you create).
This is in an in-trans data directive on the ProjCost table. I didn’t see the “ProjectCst” table until I looked a second time. Here’s how the LINQ statement would change for that table:
(from laborDtlRows in Db.LaborDtl
where laborDtlRows.Company == callContextClient.CurrentCompany && laborDtlRows.ProjectID == ttProjectCstRow.ProjectID && laborDtlRows.LaborType == "I"
select laborDtlRows.LaborHrs*(laborDtlRows.LaborRate + laborDtlRows.BurdenRate)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum()