How to setup Grids of UD tables in Kinetic?


I haven’t found the thing I’m looking for in the documentation, so I came to ask here. (as always)

I want a grid which hosts a UD table view (let’s say UD04 for example), This grid will be filled with a button click based on a certain criteria (let’s say divide the total quantity of a receipt based on a number entered by the user in another field). The rows which were generated are editable by default (let’s say I can change the quantity in each line), and if I choose to edit a line in the grid, the changes should be reflected on the Database.

:point_up_2:t2::point_up_2:t2::point_up_2:t2: I’ve done this so many times in Epicor 10 that I’ve lost count, but I can’t figure it out in Kinetic.

Dealing with grids is frustrating in Kinetic and the documentation is not helpful.

Does anyone know how to do the scenario I’ve proposed? Will I need to create events in Application Studio to make the update happen? What is the right way of adding a UD view into a Grid?

Any help is appreciated.

Kind Regards,

That topic is in the help.

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