How to see System Monitor tasks for All Users in Kinetic web?

We recently upgraded to 2023.2 and cannot see how to view tasks for all users in System Monitor now.
It seems to default to only showing the current user and I see no option to show tasks for All Users like we could in the smart client.

Am I missing something or is this no longer possible in the Kinetic web interface?

Step 1: Vote for the Epicor idea to address this parity issue in kinetic
Step 2: Hope you live long enough for Epicor to fix it.


Ouch. Well, at least I’m not just missing something obvious but this is a dreadful thing to miss in the product. Thank you for providing some clarity


Maddening problem to be sure, one thing you can do is build a dashboard, here are 2 cross-company queries, one for scheduled tasks, one for in progress/completed tasks. Adjust time zone calculated fields and filter to your liking.
SysTask-All.baq (20.8 KB)
sysagent.baq (23.2 KB)


If you open the System Monitor from the Toolbar, it should open in the Classic UI and allow you to ‘Display All Tasks’. You still won’t be able to see it in Kinetic but it will be visible from the Toolbar.