How can one remove/delete an active task or scheduled task shown in System Monitor? Thanks.
Highlight it and then click the delete icon
Then it should show in history as CANCELLED
This might have to be done by the originating user, or a sys admin.
Might have to select Actions -> Display all tasks to see other users tasks
Thank you, Calvin.
A sys admin is a security manager in Epicor?
Can user “s.nguyen” delete it?
Just curious if you can’t delete because you didn’t initiate it, or if it can’t be stopped at all (even by the orignator)
s.nguyen can not delete it either.
What shows under the Detail or Log tab for those processes?
Have you tried stopping and restarting the Task Agent?
The specific Task Agent (not the Agent Service)
we tried stopping and restarting the task agent because every week we reboot our systems
So that task survived a re-boot?
(p.s. running to a meeting so can’t reply for an hour or two)
Yes. Thank you for your time.
I have noticed the same issue with the newer versions. I can’t cancel/Delete any active tasks.
If you really know these entries are a problem, you can address them in the ice.systask and ice.systaskKill tables, directly.
Thanks, Ben