How to remove part allocations for a Buy To Order

We have a part that was marked Buy To Order on an order, which was then added to a PO and submitted to the vendor.

The part was received in the ERP system, but was later discovered that we did not physically receive it.
The PO has since been invoiced, so we’re not able to undo the receipt.

We want to adjust the inventory to remove the on hand qty for the part, but cannot because there are PartAlloc records attached to it.

Is there any to get around this? I was thinking maybe creating a shipment, marking it shipped, un-shipping and deleting the shipment for the part would close the order releases, which would then remove the part allocations, but I don’t know for sure.

I believe, unless you already posted a AP invoice for that PO, you can reverse the PO Receipt to reopen the PO.

I forgot to mention - the PO has been invoiced, so we’re not able to do that.

On your version you could process a cancellation invoice for the AP invoice. this will allow you to edit the receipt. (not sure this works if you paid the invoice)

you can close this order release, then system will auto remove part allocation picking quantity.

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Closing order release, moving the part, reopening order release works thanks! But after doing that the part is no longer allocated.

Anyone know if there is a way to re-allocate the BTO part? Fulfillment workbench doesn’t appear to load BTO parts. And Refresh Part Quantities and Allocations doesn’t seem to work either… maybe it skips over BTO parts…?

Any other ideas? Thanks!

Hi Terry, Pls change Order Release from BTO to BTS(buy for stock), you can close BTO order release, add new order release which don’t tick Buy To Order.

Can’t uncheck BTO. +(

It looks like this is an issue without a good fix. 2nd link below has a lot of undoing.


Thanks for your reply!
from second post, close order release and order line, then you can unallocated BTO stock quantity.