So while I was on vacation the CFO tried out the Generate Purchase Suggestions process since our existing purchasing manager never used that. He was researching on how it worked, of course yes this should have been done on the training DB but unfortunately it was not. Since then all in Inventory and Purchasing were advised to uncheck the suggestions boxes when looking at Time phase inquiry and running the Time Phase report. When I returned I went into Change PO Suggestions and deleted everything that was in there. I thought that would clear out most of what he did since I can’t find any other way to reverse it. Today I get notified that suggestions are back, he presents me with one PN, 2272 in this case, and it’s showing a suggestion.
When I look at Change PO Suggestions again, there is nothing coming up in the search. I made a quick BAQ using Erp.SugPoDtl and I have 989 records present in there, 2272 being one of them so it corelates with what I’m seeing in Time Phase.
How can I remove all traces of what he did when running the PO Suggestions process?
I’m not here to get into a discussion on how to use suggestions or why we don’t either… I’m not in purchasing and I know nothing about their process, and I don’t want to know anything. I’m just trying to find out if I can do what they are asking, thanks.
there really isn’t a program to “Delete all suggestions”… you can manually go into the PO suggestion program and recall all the suggestions and delete them there.
As far as “Why they are not using the suggestions”… my consulting background cannot leave this out of the equation. I have found that nearly all companies use the PO Suggestions. The ones that don’t have various “reasons”… In this case, it could be because of bad data setup. in other words… this particular part may not have proper setup to define how the material is purchased (lot sizing) or maybe incorrect min/max/safety values. I do see a min order quantity, (which may equate to one spool), but no order multiple (how much per spool)… if all these settings are defined (by the BUYER) then MRP will make really good suggestions. THEN, once the suggestions are generated, the buyer only has to click a checkbox to generate a PO…
A side note… I have run across (more than once) “Buyers” who were scared of the automation because it meant that they would not be needed… so they continued manually creating their own PO’s instead of letting the system do it… This is bad logic. BUYERs, should be spending their time negotiating with suppliers on best price and delivery, and let the system do the clerical work of creating POs.
I don’t disagree with a single statement you’ve made regarding the use of the system or suggestions but unfortunately I don’t have that power to get the people in power to realize this. I’ve been at this company for 22 years and I’ve watched them refuse using technology continuously, the only thing that will change that here is going to be a change over of upper management, not me suggesting to use it.
I’ve learned over my years…
Do you have instructions on your suggestion to remove them? If you’re referring to the “Change PO Suggestions” application I’ve done that already and when I search in there now I get no records found.
Nevermind, Found that they show up in the “New PO Suggestions” module. I did not think to check there since I assumed that would be for creating new suggestions only. Thanks.
there are also NEW po suggestions… but also note that unless you are an “Authorized user” of ALL the buyer codes, you will not be able to see all the suggestions. There is security built around the buyers. but once you have access to all buyer codes, you should be able to go into NEW and CHANGE suggestions screens and delete all the entries.