How To preview an SSRS Report in Report Builder in a hosted "Saas" Environment

I’ve read on previous posts, where people are asking the same question, but in an “on premise environment”. I’m working in a Epicor hosted environment, where our data is stored on a hosted server. is there a way to preview the report that I’m working on in report builder?

I can download the SSRS report from “report style maintenance” and load it into report builder.

Next I thought I might be able to get a “data set” by archiving a test report and archiving it in the system monitor, then downloading the data set. See below…

I can’t save/download anything here, this is where I get stuck, I don’t know if I’m supposed to be able to do this. Can anyone help?


This isn’t something that our Multitenant Cloud customers can do directly within Report Builder.

Our Cloud Operations team put together a recording for their customers on how to modify an SSRS report, and that can be viewed below.

Thanks Nathan, I’m familiar with that process, I thought that I’d seen a change already, allowing me to download a “data set” that i could use for testing/developing.

With Crystal based reports you can pull down the XML dataset via the System Monitor, but with SSRS there isn’t a process to provide a dataset for report development at this time.

Maybe pinning too much hope on the “…at this time” but I think even On-Prem users would like the ability to download the data set for a report to test out new RDDs. If one could highlight a history item in the System Monitor (which contains the report’s GUID if data was created) and Epicor would download package that included a file to define the tables (with the GUID suffix) and then followed up with a bulk insert into the local database tables. Now the user just enters the GUID in the Report Builder and you are in business.

But that’s just me and Ed Sheeran thinking out loud…

Mark W.

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Never give up hope!

The current approach to modify a report does potentially include a few more steps than an on-premise customer could go through but until/if Report Builder has a design surface that let’s one make adjustments while previewing actual data I suspect we wouldn’t dramatically change the current approach. Again, just speaking for myself…anything could happen :slight_smile:

On another tangent, as I was looking for aspirational quotes about “hope”, I discovered that Nietzche guy sure was a Debbie Downer


Do you know if there are any plans to make developing reports on a multi-tenant setup less tedious? Its really hard to get an idea of what it will look like with no data.

Seems like some kind of REST <-> ODBC proxy or something might work…

Hey Evan,

What I’d like t see is a similar option that Crystal Users have. On the Actions menu, there’s a download data option. It would be cool if the server would create an SQL script that builds all the tables that end in the GUID and then add the INSERT statements to fill them and then download this as a zip file. Now you would be upload it to a local SSRS server and see your work as you go.

Mark W.

And the nice part about this is it would drastically reduce the work for the Cloud Team/Support if this could be self serve.

The current approach with SSRS doesn’t impact the Cloud Team / Support at all(you download the RDL within Report Styles, you upload the RDL within Report Styles–Cloud/Support is not involved in this process as it is completely self-serve). That said, an approach that allowed customers fewer steps to get to the point of completed SSRS is always on our minds when we are looking forward.

Is there anywhere to vote on feature requests or something along those lines?

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That’s right. I’ve been working on Electronic Interfaces which is a lot of trial-error, cases to install, etc. Nothing to see here…


Now I remember why I thought we had to call support. When we were upgrading from 10.0 to 10.2, there were RDD changes. If there was an error like a filed was excluded or the too many columns error, the error message in the System Monitor did not tell us what the error was or the field name in question. We had to contact the Cloud Team to have them send us the error, then upload the report and try again.

Mark W.