I am trying to import charts/views into Epicor Data Discovery. They’ve been exported from our Pilot environment and are being imported into a Third environment.
When I import the files, it lists the data source for each view and requires a ‘Map to’ value. However, the dropdown only shows BAQs starting with ‘zHomepage_’ - it doesn’t list the BAQs I’ve created or any other system BAQs.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to complete the import? Is there a setting I need to tick for my BAQs to be visible? I’ve checked that they’re Shared.
I believe for EDD to pick up the BAQ it must start with “zHomepage_” as you noticed. Same with Grow, it has to begin with “Grow” IIRC from Insights '23 panel.
I can see all of our BAQs when I prompt an import. You may need to Redeploy System Views under Administration > Data Connections.
But personally I’ve found the importing/exporting isn’t 100% reliable and that recreating EDD objects from scratch is less of a headache. Depends on the complexity and number of your objects.