We have a vendor who needs us to prepay with a credit card.
It’s for an inventoried part so we need to create a PO in Epicor and receive it.
This will bring the receipt into AP Invoice Entry that needs to be paid. We also need to enter the AMEX bill when it comes in so that we can pay that too.
How are others handling this so that you don’t effective pay for the PO twice?
Epicor Applications Manager
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Yes I would also recommend a new bank setup for payment. The unreceived
invoice line let’s you put it in Epicor at the same time the credit card is
processed externally.
This may be over simplifying it … we are on 9.05 and enter a PO to AMEX (who we are paying) with a note in the PO header with who the product is actually coming from (so receiving and the floor are aware)
Paul Anderson
Materials Manager
Dorner Manufacturing
To expand on this “simplified” method, does the AP system have alternate “Pay To”, analogous to AR’s “Alternate Bill To”?
If so, you make the CC company as a vendor available as an alternate Pay To. Then you could still issue the PO to the actual supplier, but change the Pay To to the CC company.