How to get data from Updatable BAQ grid to BPM

I am using the UD10 table (Epicor Kinetic Form). In that form, I have added a grid, and my Updatable BAQ is attached to the grid. In my Updatable BAQ, I am fetching values from the OrderDtl table, where I have created a Boolean UD field (Select_c).

After selecting the UD field in the grid, I want to insert the selected data into the UD10 table. Currently, if I select more than one row, only one row gets inserted into the UD10 table. However, I want all the selected rows to be inserted into the UD10 table. Any other ways to achieve this are also welcome.

JayKesh, welcome to the community!

I would start by checking here:

@itsme Thank you so much,
It is already selected in my BAQ.