How to find the calculation for project costs?

I am looking to see under the hood so to speak for how the Calculated Cost to Complete column is are calculated in Project Entry menu.

We were shown an example from a consulting group where the Calculated Cost to Complete didn’t quite seem to line up with the labor and costs that were left on the jobs to be completed.

I have to be able to demonstrate to a management group exactly the factors that are going into that calculation. I know the build project analysis process is the one that actually performs that and I tracked that down to the ERP.UIProc.GenerateAnalysis function. I checked on the SQL server and unfortunately was unable to find any actual code to analyze and determine those factors. Any assistance is appreciated.

In the Project Management User Guide for 2024.1 (available on EpicWeb), there is a couple-page-long description of “Running the Build Project Analysis Process” that describes (very lightly) what the Selection parameters do.

There is no documentation I can find anywhere that shows the actual calculation used. The old Classic “Project Costing” Education document just says that “Calc Cost to Complete” is the difference between “Estimated Costs” and costs accumulated to date.

Sorry I don’t have better information!

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