Hi, just joined this user group so please bear with me!
I am the engineering manager at a sheet metal mfg. company. Been using Epicor w/o formal training for about 3 years now. Trying to broaden my understanding of this ERP.
I can get a list of non-engineered jobs that my dept. needs to process. However, I need to determine the quote that is linked to the job. So far I have not found a way to do this. It could be due to lack of access to some windows, queries, or reports from system admin.
How would you find the quote number based solely on the job number? I need the quote number so that I can GET DETAILS when in the Engineering Workbench. For whatever reason we don’t use the Linked Quote feature.
Do you at least use the OrderNum-Line-Rel format for the Job “Number”? If so you could open that Order and show the qoute num it was generated from.
If you don’t mind making a BAQ, you could query the JobHead table:
Description of those fields:
QuoteNum: Contains the Quote number reference. This was assigned when the job details were pulled in from the quote. It will be used to show quote figures compared to estimated and actual.
QuoteLine: Contains the quote line number reference. (see QuoteNum )
I’m not sure if you have the Case Management module, but it does a really nice job of linking many documents (quotes, orders, jobs. RMAs, Service Calls, etc.).
It has a clunky interface but it could be very powerful in the hands of clever users and devs.