I am attempting to use the Kinetic client to create a Break BPM in Report Style Classic which should be able to send a Customer Statement to the correct Customer Contact email address based on RoleCode=CUS010.
Does anyone know how I achieve this?
If I can get this to work I can then also modify the PO and Invoice process to send emails to the relevant Customer Contacts (i.e. RoleCode PUR010 and INV010 respectively)
I have tried a Send E-mail and in the E-mail template I have selected CustCnt.EMailAddress filtering RoleCode with the value CUS010 but no emails are sent.
How does everyone else setup auto-emailing of these reports?
Had a little look at this. I see that you have the sales rep role code available if you do a linked table on the customer… Is it sales reps you are after or any contact?
The other approach if you wanted contacts would be to add the custcnt table to the rdd then join it to the customer with and output relationship. Make sure you include the relevant columns.
Then in the SSRS add a routing and breaking with the break on the customer. Include a conditon to check if the custcnt.rolecode matches your value and on true then email the report.
I did a quick test for one customer and that seemed to work, it may not scale…The reason I say that is the reports tempdb will get a custcnt table in it every time you run the report and if the statement print is for a lot of customers and it generally is. Then the table will contain all customers contacts in it and could slow the generation of report data down…
Thanks Simon, in fact I do have the RDD relationship between Customer and CustCnt and I added it to the SSRS but it just print previews the report and does not email.
My Condition supposedly checks for the CustCnt.RoleCode CUS010 and also that there is a @ in the EMailAddress field (just as a crude email present check).
I think the issue may be that in the Customer table the “Contacts” Tab lets you add multiple email accounts (CustCnt.EMailAddress) and you can select the Role by a dropdown under RoleCode.
In this report I only want it to select the address that is for RoleCode CUS010 (Customer Statement E-mail) so somehow I need the logic to link the Code and Address together so that I get the correct one into the Email Template.
I’m thinking I must be missing something simple
I compared your RDD with mine and the only differences were you had Name and Func un-excluded from CustCnt and I had one extra Field in the CustomerCustCnt Relationship which I removed (ConNum/PrinPCom) which I had got from a youtube video I had watched.
Now it works exactly as I was expecting!
Thanks all!
I know this is solved for you, but here’s a different way. After you’ve added the CUSTCNT table to the RDD, you can filter it there. In the screenshot, I have it pull the email address where the contact name = INVOICES.
It makes it simple when you’re creating the breaking, because you only need to select the EmailAddress field, which is already filtered down to only the contact addresses you want (in this case, my INVOICE contacts).
Steve, if I understand correctly what you are saying, are you putting in “Invoices” instead of the actual contacts name?
Might it be better to use Func?
For each of my relevant customers, I have a contact named INVOICES that contains the email address to send the invoice to:
Filtering by this name in the RDD returns only the INVOICES contact for each customer. I then select the CUSTCNT.EmailAddress in the email template in the breaking rule.