How to Expand Native Dashboard Grid in Kinetic to use all White Space?

In my kinetic dashboard, I have a native grid populated by a BAQ. This shows at the bottom of my page, and has extra whitespace below it. I want to expand the grid area so that it fills that whitespace, so my users don’t have to scroll down to see the records. Is there any way to do this?

I do not want to expand at runtime, because the list should be hidden at first unless you need it. It doesn’t fill that space out anyway.

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There’s an option to Fill Container under Advanced

It doesn’t work in all containers - but it should expand on a dashboard, no problem!

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That did it! For some reason it also added this empty drop down box that is only visible when I am in preview mode.

EDIT I thought that checking that box added the drop down, but it is still there when I uncheck the Autofill Container. I must have added this some other way when I was messing around. Any idea how I turned this on, what it is for, and how to get rid of it?


I see it appear if I open View Options while exploring the options of a grid …

And the only way I know to get rid of it is to recreate the grid from zero :dizzy_face:

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noooooooo :sob:

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Confirmed that totally borked my form. Now I am constantly getting this error when I try to save or preview the form:

We apologize, but an unexpected internal problem occurred. Please provide your System Admin or Technical Support this Correlation ID for further details. Correlation ID: de11bd6e-eb54-4832-8bd8-82d535bb9da5

Wonder why we hate Kinetic and don’t want to waste our time messing with it. Reasons like this… :roll_eyes:

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The bar for rage quit on Fridays is low…

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I can get mine to turn on/off by deleting any Views in the View Options.

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So if you don’t have any, then create one and then delete it??
If so, par for the course… Kinetic and its orphaned objects :man_facepalming:

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dunno if that works or not? I just know it works for me, hahaha.

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At least on 2023.2.6 … no, it just sticks there frustratingly