Hi, I’m looking for some advice on how to fix a native Kinetic Row rule. On the Job entry screen there is s native row rule that sets the QtyComplete field to “invisible”. We don’t want that field hidden. The Row rule is “locked” and I can’t seem to un-lock it. I also tried adding my own row rule to change the settings back but I can’t get it work.
I submitted an EpiCare case and the responce was “we support Application studio but we can’t help you” and the suggest I post my question here.
good idea, but that doesn’t work. the row rule is to set the FIELD invisible not the text box, so my new text box is ALSO hidden since it is tied to the field.
When is quantity complete being hidden? I’m curious because I can see quantity complete in kinetic job entry so there must be some condition? You may have better luck opening a new case under the Job management module and don’t mention application studio at all - just complain that qty complete is not visible.
we don’t have a customization layer yet except for the one I just made to test my own field. our native standard Job entry screen has this field hidden.
That’s really interesting, I see now it shows on Job tracker but not on job entry. I still think it makes sense to report this to support - there is no way that field should be hidden in job entry.
Can you create a data view column and also create a data rule that sets your new data view column equal to the data view column/field that represents Qty Complete?