How To: Debugging Kinetic (Browser)

This is going to go over some of the debugging and tracing techniques in the Kinetic browser.
Debugging in the browser utilizes Chrome’s (or any Chromium browser) developer tools. John Friend actually turned me on to using Edge with Kinetic; it’s much faster thus far.

To access the developer tools, press F12 in your browser. You’ll get something that looks like this:

To start the detailed debugging from Epicor, make sure you click on your Kinetic screen, then press CTRL+ALT+8. You should see this:

You’ll now see detailed information when you start performing actions on your screen. I clicked a “Resubmit” button. You can see that the OnClick event is calling a row-update action and setting UD34.ReqSeq_c to 1 and UD34.Approved_c to “Under Review”.

To view the dataviews that are active on your screen, press CTRL+ALT+V:

This will show you all of the system and application dataviews.
The ones in red are ones that have had changes made to them.
You can see the update made to the approved field in UD34.

CTRL+ALT+2 and CTRL+ALT+1 will log all of the rules. 2 will show it in a table and 1 will show it in a tree view.

CTRL+ALT+L will log all of the components on the screen and show you all of the properties associated with them (like an in-depth technical field help).

CTRL+ALT+H will pull up the list of shortcuts and you can modify those to your needs.

If you want to see each of the BOs/REST/EFxs being called, head over to the Network tab to see the traffic. I click on a button that makes a function call that returns a dataset. You can view the results here.

Hope this helps folks!


Hannah, is there any way to do a “find” or is it simply the filter box?

You can do a Ctrl + F in the Console tab to search, never tried it on the Network tab though.

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@Jonathan, there is a parameter on submittoagent method for SchedProcSetImpl business object that seemingly doesn’t show up when I am tracing in the browser.

It is called, maintProgram. I can’t seem to find it in the dataviews when I hit Ctrl+ALT+V.

Are you able to find it?


Yes the parameter is there, it is also part of the sample request in swagger.
It should be part of the payload in the browser.

I know the parameter is there, but I don’t see the value in the payload… Do you?


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This is what happens when I try to filter for that parameter (nothing).

When I filter for any of the other four I see them come up.

Not sure how the Filter works, maybe can only work in top level nodes/messages. But the search works fine.

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Thank you, I was looking for it in the dataviews which is why I couldn’t find it.

You found it in the action.

thanks for taking the time to look at this!

@hmwillett you rock, thanks for making this post!

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I didn’t realize you already wrote this up, saw it as I was replying to another thread.

In addition to the Browser Debug, here is additional Client-Side Info, for the sake of information.

If you are using Epicor Client

You can visit this url in the browser http://localhost:1234/ and get to Chrome Remote Debugging Tools.

You can also enable some text file logging as well as change the Remote Debugging port by adding the following to your client .sysconfig under <userSettings>

      <RemoteDebugPort value="9876" /> <!-- set custom port if you have issues with 1234 -->
      <LogEnabled value="true" bool="" />
      <LogPath value="C:\epicor\debug\foldertologto" />
      <!-- <ExtraCommandLines value="--disable-image-loading" /> -->

You can also launch a Dev Console during Start by adding the following to <userSettings>

<LaunchEOBrowserDebug value="True" />

I also believe you can click F12 while in a Kinetic Screen including iDP Client.

If you want to Enable Debug Mode for everyone

Not sure why you would, but you can also add additional flags to your sysconfig.json


@hmwillett have you seen this new Debug Panel which populates with data when in debug mode?

Yeah, I was playing with that in the CR. It was “meh”. Nice for folks debugging through the client, but I 100% prefer Dev tools in the browser.


For sure it doesnt give enough info, you can’t drill down into an object. I am not sure why they are reinventing the wheel when all browsers come with a nice Dev Tools.

Perhaps without cluttering the ERP, a DevTools plugin can be made which shows overlays among other things, for debugging like a pro!


React Dev Tools

I would love to see also a placeyourstyleshere.css where anyone can theme a bit their css or customjavascript.js that epicor pre-loads. :slight_smile:

Also some ability to generate map files for your custom elements that you can step into via JS debugger.

They probably dont even have to reinvent that either, can just fork Angular Tools that exist.


@bconner have you guys considered it? Its much easier for you with the source code to write additional hooks to talk to plugins. :slight_smile:


That would be amazing!!! Can someone (@hmwillett?!!) figure this out? Not having themes in the Kinetic UI is a huge step back for the multi-company users out there.

Because it’s not really for users like you all at present - the feature is for less sophisticated users who are overwhelmed by a full dev tools experience and can’t tell the difference between things they can change via studio and the rest of the code running easily enough. That’s why this panel exists, really.

We could produce a browser devtools addin, but then it’d be limited by browser and less accessible to our power user type users who are doing light customization. There would be other things you can only do that way that might be beneficial, but my current direction for it is to extend what we can do in the panel over time.


If you all want to do that we can’t actually stop you fwiw because it’s browser tech you can use browser plugins to inject things - greasemonkey, etc will let you do those kind of overrides. We’re just not adding these things to the core product unless there is a reliable way to make them secure and accessibility friendly.


Thank you for the elaboration. As far as the injection, I see all other SaaS tools do it without a problem. Wordpress, Service-Now, Ghost Blog… Of course the idea isn’t to code in it but lets say if you want you could make a client side js helper function that you can just invoke in your AppStudio. Minor CSS tweaks, or color adjustments.

But you are also right that, there is Stylebot and various other Extensions that allow you to inject your own global-level additional js to a page. If you are a company you can push out extensions and manage the Chrome browser via Active Directory Policies, or other tools. You could also build your own Elektron or CEFSharp browser and inject code and continue to use that as your Epicor WebHost to control some things. You could modify EssentialObjects run arguments etc…

I agree with you on the Dev Tools. We keep forgetting that Epicor considers Customizations just Customizations, most of us have literally turned Customizations into a full-fledged SDK tool without using the SDK (that speaks to your hard work of the Smart Client Architecture, badass!). I guess one could argue, if you really have such Advanced Customizations, get the SDK tools.

Fun Fact: We are licensed for the SDK and I never had a reason to use it :smiley:

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@hmwillett What are your keyboard shortcuts mapped to? I can’t find anything mapped to those key combinations in Edge or Chromium. Specifically Ctrl+Alt+8 and Ctrl+Alt+V. Ctrl+Alt+1 or 2 or L either.

Note, I’ve found that none of these work in dashboards in 2021.2

@hmwillett Is there anyplace that show Method Directives (and Data Directives) being called ?
(not the Methods themselves but any Directives we have created)