In entering multiple AP invoices (142) I had “happy fingers” on a few that were posted but haven’t been paid yet…how can I correct these? two have incorrect invoice numbers, and the third had incorrect invoice date. Thanks in advance for advice/assistance.
One of the bedrock rules of Epicor:
Once you post, you’re toast
But all is not lost. There are SOME items you can fix. Look at the “Posted Invoice Update” command. You can fix the invoice date here.
Invoice numbers? Not so much. Enter a cancellation invoice (DM) for each of these and then re-enter them with the correct invoice numbers.
Mark W.
thanks for quick reply - I will look into to correct these, hopefully that easy:-)
just wanted to let you know it worked - thanks again
Glad to hear it. I didn’t expound on the difference between the correction Invoice and the Debit Memo. The Correction Invoice is on the Actions Menu. You give it the invoice number to correct and it does all the work, including making the receipt uninvoiced again. It’s a huge time saver.
When there is no invoice to cancel, then we use the standard DM on the File | New Menu.
Mark W.