We used to have credit card processing module. Now I disabled it and don’t have the credit card processing module anymore. Anyone knows how to clear out the customer’s credit card info without the credit card processing module?
Thanks for your help.
I had the same situation with E9. Epicor informed me that there was no way to remove the card information. I ended up using DMT to overwrite all the credit card information with bogus data like card numbers containing all 9s.
Clive, Thank you for your answer. What tables did clear out via DMT?
Which table stores the credit card info for a customer?
Credit card numbers aren’t stored in Epicor they are stored in a secured databse in ESDM and technically only the tokens are stored.
If you don’t want the credit card info to automatically pull up for the 'next order" a BPM on After ChangeCustomer in Order Entry can clear those fields.
Jose, Thank you. Can we access the secured database via SSMS?. If yes, how and what the database name?
Jose, Thank you very much. Can you share me the code for the BPM? Ben
I don’t have any code handy but it should be very straight forward. Just on post Processing clear out the fields which contain the credit card information.
It seems you already asked this question here:
Hi Jose,
The method name is ChangeCustomer() of SalesOrder BO? Thanks
I think so do a trace with the show full dataset and see where the CC data first shows up. I believe that’s the one?
How to do a trace with the show full dataset? Thanks.
Extensive information on tracing available in the Customization Guide and Ice Tools Guide
Our users get card credit Info automatically in the sales order for some specific customers, anyone knows why and how to remove this credit card info in sales order for the specific customers? We used to have credit card processing module and we don’t have it now. Thanks.
The default Payment method is defined in the Customer Maintenance.
Check out which one is using Credit Card and change the Payment Method to something else.
Then when you raise a sales order, the default payment method will not be Credit Card
Thank you Toby.
In Customer Maintenance/Billing, “AR Cash Receipts” was selected for Payment Method, but we had this issue.
Also uncheck the credit card order.
@b.huang you had made 3 different topics on this. Please don’t create duplicate topics.
I have merged them all into this one.