How to Changing Suppliers on Existing Purchase Orders that is Open and No Lines


I would like to edit the supplier but it is greyed out ( green highlighted area) and unable to be clicked in , how would I be able to edit this as it is greyed out?

There is no lines attached or linked to anything , I have reached out for support and they indicated Field Security Maintenance but the user is an Admin so nothing is blocking the user from accessing any menus. I have seen a suggestion for duplicating the PO but I am being informed we have done this before and just now does not work.

Any solutions or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

What version of Epicor are you running?


I’ve never seen this behavior unless there are lines on the PO.
You said your users said this just recently started happening?
If so, that makes me think something has changed recently.
Is this UI customized?

No nothing has changed, and correct the users have indicated this just began to occur. I was told by EpicCare that once a PO is created and the Supplier is attached then you save, you cannot go back and edit it. But users do go back and change the supplier frequently. No customization this is the standard menu that comes out of the box.

Could this just be a one off bug on the PO?

EpicCare is wrong, you can change a Supplier after a PO is changed, I just did it in 2022.1 and I tested it in 10.0 and the Supplier field is always enabled and can be changed.

I’m not sure how it can be a bug if nothing has changed recently like upgrading.

Thank you for your assistance @Rick_Bird

I ended up create a PO matching it exactly as the one that is giving the greyed out area after saving and just like your results it lets me edit the supplier. Very odd that EpicCare is indicated that this cannot be done, I will keep you posted on what their results end up being. Just now trying to figure out why it is greyed out on that specific PO