How to call/show an operation inspection plan but at MES with a Job#?

I created the attributes, then spec IDs, then added those to an inspection plan & created the prompt in configuration design, specific for an operation, however, I don’t know how to test it (not the prompt, but the actual inspection call out during a job) or which clicks I should do in order to get me there.

The inspection plan was added to my operation, then that operation was added to a method, which was used to generate a job#.

However, after doing all of this, I don’t know where to click at MES to test it (I’m not familiar with MES, as it is only for technicians to clock in & out of a job, but I would like to test out & establish the process flow in order to show the technicians how to do it later.

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IS it not available at ‘End Activity’

Unfortunately, no, unless I’m doing something wrong. The ‘End Labor Activity’ window pops up, if I click ‘Ok’ it closes the operation as completed, but if I click ‘Inspection Data…’ the ‘Inspection Results Entry’ window pops up, then I don’t know what to do from there.
At ‘Inspection Plans’ if I click ‘Generate Test Set’ nothing happens, then moving onto ‘Inspection Sample Details’ and click ‘Enter Results’ nothing happens either, finally at ‘Results’ clicking on 'Retrieve; nothing happens either.

what results do you get if you do the same process through time and expense entry

I honestly don’t know how to do that. I’ve only used the Engineering Workbench and created the methods, inspections plans and everything

Have you tested the inspection plans once you created them ?

Yes I have, but only at the Configurator Designer, so I only tested the ‘input’, but I want to test how to trigger the prompt, or a real-time test with an actual job #

is the inspection plan linked to a part

Noup, linked to an operation, as there are multiple inspections that need to happen during our manufacturing process before being able to move forward, that’s why I added them to an operation, instead of a part, as I don’t need all the inspections at once with the part.

In Classic, when you end activity on MES, there is an Inspection Data button, this will launch the screen, for entering the results

Before I did anything else, I made sure my plans, specifications & inspection plans were approved, which all were, then headed back to the Inspection Data button like you said, but my inspection prompt (which is a numeric input & has to be >0) never appeared. I don’t know if I’m missing something at a certain stage before this.

This is what shows up, a lot of stuff greyed out, and no input prompt.

Figured it out! Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Click on ‘End Labor Activity’, and set ‘Current;’ at “1” (parts quantity) [VERY IMPORTANT] as sample size for this part is set at 1
  2. At ‘End Labor Activity’, click on ‘Inspection Data…’
  3. At ‘Inspection Results Entry’ & ‘Inspection Plans’ tab, click on ‘Generate Test Set’ [MUST NOT SKIP THIS STEP]
  4. Still at ‘Inspection Results Entry’, navigate to ‘Inspection Sample Details’ tab, and actually SELECT the ‘sample number’ row, then click on ‘Enter Results’ and voila!

The step that nobody ever told me was actually selecting the sample number and then click on ‘Enter Results’.