How to build and deploy a custom solution

Not sure if anyone has tried this or knows how to but I am wanting to implement a custom solution that relates to attachments and not have to customize every screen in Epicor where there are attachments. I want to use a custom solution or custom installer that works globally for all forms. Is there information anyone could share on this? Thanks!

I don’t believe this is possible.

Can you elaborate a bit more? The only way to do this is to inject or patch the existing framework. (probably)
But with more details maybe we can help.

Yea I think I am trying to inject into the framework essentially, like adding a new icon perhaps at the top of the standard toolbar for all forms, something of that nature.

The only way to do that would be to “patch” EpiClientLib.dll or (whichever dll) contains the initialization code you are trying get to.
Doable but… very gray line

I’m assuming you need the SDK to do this sort of thing?

You dont necessarily need the SDK to patch, in fact, even the SDK wouldnt work for this purpose I dont think.

A few caveats:
Technically patching the Epicor files violates your TOS
Each update will require patching

As far as icon look here:

There is a file called ProductSettings.xml which calls out the resource name (in the above named resource file) to use for the icon. As opposed to changing the Epicor icon, you could potentially add you own to that resource, then change any of the following options:

        <option name="EpiAutoLoad" value="" />
        <option name="EpiForm" value="EpicorLogo" />
        <option name="EpiBaseForm" value="EpicorLogo" />
        <option name="EpiMainMenu" value="EpicorLogo" />
        <option name="SystemMonitor" value="EpicorLogo" />

You can use the EpiResourceEditor