How to Break Buy To Order link or use override?

The Override button is red, no way to actually activate it. There is a PO linked to the SO. How to break that link? Any help would be appreciated.

I think you just have to delete the line off the PO. That’s the only way I know how to do it anyway.

It won’t let me delete it as it’s asking for a qty to match the SO line.

I’m not sure if you are following a different process, on a different version of Epicor, or maybe have a BPM that is triggering? In my version of epicor, if I pull up the purchase order, go to the linked line, it allows me to delete it.

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If the PO has been received in, you will need to un-receive it first. Then you can either delete the SO Number from the PO line or delete the PO line, then refresh the SO in order to uncheck BTO. If you have processed the Invoice for the PO, it will not be easily doable. I’m interested in an easy way to do it after an AP invoice was processed… other than RMA/DMR

I think once its received you’re out of luck because even if you unreceive it, that just creates a negative inventory transaction (it doesn’t remove the original inventory transaction).