How To Apply Customisation on a Form only Accessed via Actions Menu?

In Project Entry (Service management > Project Management > General Operations) -
After loading an active project, click Actions > Revenue recognition

This pulls through form: App.ProjectEntry.RevenRecogForm
I have been able to customize this form, but I cannot apply the customization anywhereto make it stick?

What we want:

Am I missing something really simple?

I have created a customised version of the revenue reognition form, but can’t apply it.

The menu form is Project Entry, Erp.UI.ProjectEntry.dll
If I apply a customization here, it is applied to the Project Entry form, no the revenue recognition form which is pulled in via the actions menu once already in Project Entry.

This is the Project Entry form on the menu set up.

This is the customization in customization of the revenue recognition form in maintenance:

Whenever you make a customization to a sub form, you must creat a customization on the calling form with the EXACT same name. Use that on your menu then you’ll see your customization.



This works - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Thanks Mark - I already have a customization on the Project Entry form (not yet mentioned as didn’t want to add another level of confusion!)

So If my Project Entry Customisation is called ‘ABC123’, then I create a customization on the sub form, also called ‘ABC123’ then it should apply both?

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You got it, even just an empty customization. :wink: