How to add UD fields to Enterprise Search Index?

I found a post mentioning adding UD fields to Enterprise Search, but not how to do it. I’m reading the section about Enterprise Search in Epicor Help, but I can’t find any of the things it mentions. For example, it talks about how to fill out the fields in the “Enterprise Search sheet” - I can’t find any sheet or menu item called that.

Still trying to figure this out.

I’m guessing you’re looking in the wrong place: the configuration for Enterprise Search is in the Admin Console rather than within the client.

Basic principle here is identify the system BAQ being used to generate the index you’re interested in, create your own copy, add your UD fields, update Enterprise Search config to use your new BAQ in preference to the default.

The system BAQs concerned are all prefixed with zES_

…and in order to modify or add any BAQs to Enterprise Search you will need the EnterpriseSearchPremium license.