(Taheem Miah)
October 16, 2024, 3:10pm
Hello People,
There is a customer table which contains the names of creditors, I am trying to add them to order entry however the epibindings available do not have what i am looking for.
This is for the sales order entry screen.
Any additional information needed. please let me know thanks!
(David Camlin)
October 16, 2024, 3:17pm
Not sure I’m following. Is this a Customer “Group” tied to a GroupCode?
How are you trying to add them?
(Taheem Miah)
October 16, 2024, 3:48pm
So the epibinding is customer.CreditController_C
And i am trying to add it here?
Is there a wizard i can use to have customer in this screen?
Since you’re on the Order you’ll have to pull it in from Customer probably by using an adapter. I asked this same question once:
Hi all, I again find myself confused by an overabundance of information about a beginner’s topic.
What is the correct practice when you want to add a field to an epitextbox which is not there in the available EpiBindings? I’ve done this sort of thing with UD fields, but that was for more straightforward. Is this when you create a data view in the script editor? I’m truly sorry for this completely basic question but I have not been able to sus this out on my own.
If the specifics will help, at …
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