I’d like to add an epiShape button to Sales Order Tracker that appears when a UD field is true, similar to the eshOrderHeld epi shape.
I’ve added it to the Summary panel as eshAIAReqd, set visibility = false and bound it to the OrderHed.AIAReqd_c ud field in the properties. Now I’m confused on what the next step is.
Do I need to add code for an EpiShape Event Wizard on the Load event? Do I need to add a checkbox variable (like @Chris_Conn mentions) & initialize them? Do I need to mess with data views?
I’ve tried to find an example to clone, but haven’t yet. Once I get this working, I’ll clean up the post as a how-to. Thanks for the help!
Chris - Option 1 - single color shape that is hidden by default, but unhides when Orderhed.AIAReqd_c = TRUE. I was planning on using the yellow StatusTypes.Warning somewhere.
But I’d love to learn about Option 2 later, to add to the bag of EpiTricks.
I’m sure someone smarter than me has figured it out, but I’ve never been able to get a custom EpiShape behaving exactly as I’d like. Each time I’ve tried I ended up using a regular textbox instead, which seems much easier to paint / hide exactly as desired.