How do I activate a customization to a Report form, as there is no menu entry? I read the archived posts on similar subjects but I am unclear on how to do it. I have a customization on Erp.UIRpt.POForm, but I also have a customization on Erp.UI.POEntry. I don’t see how to apply the solutions listed in the archived posts to my scenario. If anyone can advise, I would be appreciative. Thanks.
Update - I tried the Epicor solution as outlined in KB0027757, it didn’t work.
After the Report Customization has been created, add a Process item in Menu Maintenance for the UIRpt.POForm.dll program and select the Customization to use…
Process Calling Maintenance is your friend, create a Process like @bmgarver says and then use Process Calling Maintenance to call that Menu every time the UIRpt.POForm.dll is called.