How to activate customization to Erp.UIRpt.POForm

How do I activate a customization to a Report form, as there is no menu entry? I read the archived posts on similar subjects but I am unclear on how to do it. I have a customization on Erp.UIRpt.POForm, but I also have a customization on Erp.UI.POEntry. I don’t see how to apply the solutions listed in the archived posts to my scenario. If anyone can advise, I would be appreciative. Thanks.

Update - I tried the Epicor solution as outlined in KB0027757, it didn’t work.

After the Report Customization has been created, add a Process item in Menu Maintenance for the UIRpt.POForm.dll program and select the Customization to use…

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Process Calling Maintenance is your friend, create a Process like @bmgarver says and then use Process Calling Maintenance to call that Menu every time the UIRpt.POForm.dll is called.

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You might want to read about Context Menu Maintenance and Process Menu. This allows you to change things like OpenWith and Called Forms from MES.

Thanks gentlemen, much appreciated.

Thanks for the assist @josecgomez!

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Just tested everything, it’s working. Thanks again @bmgarver and @josecgomez .

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