How Do You Use Dynamic Attributes?

Good afternoon,
I am exploring the Part Maintenance form and looking at the Attributes tab, I can see at the bottom a section for Dynamic Attributes Class ID. The documentation is a bit obtuse in this regard, so I am reaching out for some real-world examples to help me understand what this is for.

  • What are dynamic attributes in general and why use them?
  • What are dynamic attribute classes?
  • Do you find them helpful and why?


Yummy. Are you ready for this?

Dynamic Attributes are the major components of the Advanced Unit of Measure functionality (a separate module). If, for instance, you are a metal fab shop and purchase steel in sheets, this functionality helps keep track not only of the full sheets but also all offcuts, by size, without having to create umpteen different UOM codes. Somewhat simplistically, if your “attributes” are length and width, the functionality lets you “dynamically” enter those at each part movement.

If you’ve been using Epicor for awhile, it is an entirely new concept and takes some getting used to.

The only documentation for it is a classic Education Course document from Epicor 10.2.700. the current 2023.2 Inventory Management User Guide mentions it, but (in my not-very-humble opinion) doesn’t cover it very well.