When trying to add a custom field to customer shipment entry, custom fields from OrderRel don’t seem to be showing up.
I need to show OrderRel.WebPickWarning_c but it’s not in this list. OrderRel is not a table but SalesInfo is. I’m not sure how to manipulate that “view” if you will, to show my custom field.
The custom field has been in the database for over a month now and things have been generated etc. Is there something else that we need to alter to get access to the OrderRel table in this list?
If FKV doesn’t work, I can think of three ways to do this but I think option #1 is what was stressed upon on us by Epicor consultants during implementation:
Add the field to a table that is in the view (like ShipDtl). Then use BPMs to duplicate the data from OrderRel to ShipDtl (possibly a data directive on ShipDtl would be simplest). It’s not pretty but can work in a pinch if you don’t want to add more views.
Use BPM to set callContextBpmData variables and bind to one of them
Use a BAQDataView and code to publish / subscribe (see examples on this site)
That’s why I steer away from using the FKV as I am pretty sure it doesn’t work well on sub objects like this. Either this is a weakness in the wizard design or there is a better way to link them via code and filters. Someone else might have better information on using this aspect of the software though.