How do you get EpiBinding tables to have all custom fields

When trying to add a custom field to customer shipment entry, custom fields from OrderRel don’t seem to be showing up.
I need to show OrderRel.WebPickWarning_c but it’s not in this list. OrderRel is not a table but SalesInfo is. I’m not sure how to manipulate that “view” if you will, to show my custom field.

The custom field has been in the database for over a month now and things have been generated etc. Is there something else that we need to alter to get access to the OrderRel table in this list?

I don’t know the exact details of how to use it, but this might be a case for using a Foreign Key, to relate the OrderRel table to SalesInfo view.

If FKV doesn’t work, I can think of three ways to do this but I think option #1 is what was stressed upon on us by Epicor consultants during implementation:

  1. Add the field to a table that is in the view (like ShipDtl). Then use BPMs to duplicate the data from OrderRel to ShipDtl (possibly a data directive on ShipDtl would be simplest). It’s not pretty but can work in a pinch if you don’t want to add more views.
  2. Use BPM to set callContextBpmData variables and bind to one of them
  3. Use a BAQDataView and code to publish / subscribe (see examples on this site)

Does anyone know why I can’t do multi keys?

The OrderRel link would be a composite key of OrderNum, OrderLine, OrderRelNum

That’s why I steer away from using the FKV as I am pretty sure it doesn’t work well on sub objects like this. Either this is a weakness in the wizard design or there is a better way to link them via code and filters. Someone else might have better information on using this aspect of the software though.

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I’d personally go with @tanner’s first suggestion.

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