I am new to E10 and I am trying to create a standalone form (ud form) is the possible?
I think you need to create a menu short cut to one of the UD forms (UD01, UD02, etc) first. Then open the form with customistaion mode on and edit away. Note the UD101, UD102 etc series of UD forms have a parent / child tables behind them. The UD01, UD02 etc only have one table behind each form.
Could you explain how to do this, I am new to epicor and have never done something like this before
You need to have customization rights, and access to Menu Maintenance. The person that created your E10 account is able to give you these if you don’t have them.
Also, you’ll need to know which UD tables haven’t already been used. And just because a UD table is empty, doesn’t mean that it isn’t used by a customization that just hasn’t written anything to it yet.
Launch Menu Maintenance
Select the folder where you want to launch the form from, and select File-> New Menu
Fill in the fields I’ve numbered in the pict below:
#2 is what shows on the Menu
#3 is the order sequence for it on the menu
#4 should be Menu Item
#5 is the icon to use for the menu item
#6 is the program (i.e. form) to launch. Either browse for it or type it in. My example is for table UD05
Save and close the Menu Maint form
Close E10 and relaunch (it won’t show on the menu until you do this).
After it relaunches, enter developer mode:
Got to where you created the menu item and launch it.
You’ll get a window asking you to select the customization. Mark the Base Only
and hit OK
The form loads. You can enter customization mode to add fields to the Detail tab, change label names, etc… Or use it as is, just using the List tab and you can see all the fields.
After customizing it, save the customization. You’ll have to give it a new name as you can’t overwrite the base form. Turn off Developer mode. Then go back into Menu Maintenance and select the customization you just created in the Program section
Thanks a lot, is it possible to change the column labels in the corresponding table?
Yes. You have to do it through customization mode.
And as a heads up, don’t kill yourself trying to hide the Key fields that you don’t use by setting their control’s visibility property. That won’t work. You have to do it through extended properties. Or what most people do is change their position to out of the visble form area (change position from 10,200
to 10010, 10100
After entering Customization (Tools -> Customization on the form’s toolbar)
- Select the grdList item
- Click the Columns (Collection) dropdown
- Edit the column names as desired
Is it possible to hide the toolbar buttons such as the “new” button
How do you plan to add records to it?
I was planning on creating my own
Add the following to the Form Load function
baseToolbarsManager.Tools["NewTool"].SharedProps.Visible = false;
It also removes it from the Menubar
How does one go about getting at the underlying table of the ud form?
In what way? Any control you add to the form, you can set the control’s Binding property to a field in the UD table.
Here I added a TextboxEditor control, named it txtChar04, and “Binded” to UD05.Character04
I have one of the columns in the ud table designated for a number sequence. I am trying to figure out a way to look at the table and see what the highest number is and set the corresponding field in the form to the next number in the sequence
Does a new row get added to your UD table each time? Or is it just one row that holds the “next number”?
I believe attaching the UD table to a form using one of the Customization Wizards, may take care of that for you.
But that might use key fields from the form as keys, and not give you unique “last number”. For example, If you connect the UD table to the OrderHed, on of the keys will be the order number, and another will be an auto generated sequence.
Example of UD09 tied to OrderHed
Key1 Key2 Key3 Notes
1234 1 <null> first UD row added for OrderNum 1234
1234 2 <null> second UD row added for OrderNum 1234
1234 3 <null> third UD row added for OrderNum 1234
1235 1 <null> first UD row added for OrderNum 1235
1236 1 <null> first UD row added for OrderNum 1236
If it was tied to the OrderDtl it Key 2 would be the OrderLine, and Key3 would be the sequential number.
Maybe tying the UD field to the Company table, would work.
My idea with this is to kind of like a number generator for engineers to get the next drawing number. the ud table behind the form would hold all the drawing numbers and the form would now what the last number was. When an engineer hits new it would spit out the next number into a text box on the form.
There are several topics on here about auto-numbering new records (like: part number, vendorID, etc…) Do some searching.
On my ud form after hitting new, I am setting the text of a text box that is bound to “key1” field. Wen i hit save it tells me that it is a duplicate record. Am i missing something here?
Each record in the UD table has to have unique values in the combination of Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, and Key5 (if there is one record already with Key1= “hello” and Key2 through Key5 are blank, you can’t just type “hello” in the Key1 value for a new record and save it). That error means you already have a record in that UD table with that value in Key1 and blank values in Key2-Key5. You’ll have to enter a value in another key field before saving.
I figured out what is happening in my scenario. I am hitting new and then going to a different page\panel, hitting a button that sets the textbox tied to key1 I can then save this record after i go back to the detail tab and see that the textbox that came already on the ud form has that same text and is tied to the same field. I want to hide the details tab as i do not want it and can’t delete it (or can I). How can i make this work?
Even though i am setting my values via the dataview, when i save, the values are blank (I confirmed this by deleting all rows from the ud01 table and saving) how do I get the view to refresh so it will save with the values that i set.