How do you add item to HH menu?

duckorz, this code was a great help.  Also requires a System.Refleciton namespace for the MethodInfo class.

However, when adding a new menu item to menu 0, the first menu, the Form_Load event doesn't update the list until you dive into a submenu and back out.  If placed on a menu item >0, works great.  It seems as if the base list items are being constructed following the load event?  

Is there other event to use here that would change the menu 0 items when the form is first displayed?

The HH menu, after you login with your user ID.

It has numbered menu items and you click on one and it takes you to a new form.

How do you add new menu items to this?

E10 or E9? VB or C#?

private void HHMenuForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
MethodInfo mi =
typeof(Erp.UI.Menu.Handheld.Transaction).GetMethod("addMenuItem",BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new
mi.Invoke(oTrans,new object[]{3,6,"New Form","FormID"});

private void HHMenuForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
MethodInfo mi =
typeof(Epicor.Mfg.UI.Menu.Handheld.Transaction).GetMethod("addMenuItem",BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new
mi.Invoke(oTrans,new object[]{3,6,"New Form","FormID"});

int 3 is the menu item its being placed in and int 6 is the location of the new option.

customize your handheld, save it. customize the menu after the handheld login and save it under the same name.  put this code into the load event.