I’ve created a UD table to store custom shipment container sizes, which includes fields for length, width, and height. Now, I want to display these values in some fields in another form or application within Epicor.
Does anyone have an idea on how I can achieve this? I am looking for a way to fetch the records from the UD table and display the corresponding length, width, and height in the fields I’ve set up.
Any guidance on linking the UD table data to these fields or examples of similar implementations would be greatly appreciated!
What table did you make these fields on? You should be able to add them to a customization layer and set the EpiBinding field to the new UD field and it should just work
Really need more details on this…
What is the UD table UD01? or something else?
In what type of scenario are you trying to access these records(data)? Configurator,BPM,Form Customization,BAQ,Dashboard Customization?
Classic or Kinetic?
I created this UD table and entered the custom sizes. I want to call the length, weight, height, and width in the Customer Shipment Entry. I am using the classic version and am very new to the concept of UD tables. I am just exploring if we could fetch the details of BoxA into the Customer Shipment Entry’s LWH fields. Does this make sense?