How do I do a snapshot of Inventory up to a certain date?


I have been tasked with creating a dashboard that gives a snapshot of all parts with serial numbers up to a certain date.

They will run this report monthly.

It needs a list of all unique part numbers that have a serial number attached.

It also needs an on hand qty and total demand qty for each unique part up to the certain date I set.

Can anyone tell me an easy way to get this or if there is a report that can do this already?

Please let me know if more information is required.

any help is greatly appreciated!

We have a custom BAQ Inventory report that gives us the QOH for all parts. However, this does not go into serial numbers. It should be pretty easy to add the serials on to this report. This BAQ feeds a BAQ Report, but the data is helpful by itself.

	[PartBin].[WarehouseCode] as [PartBin_WarehouseCode],
	[Warehse].[Description] as [Warehse_Description],
	[PartBin].[BinNum] as [PartBin_BinNum],
	[Part].[PartNum] as [Part_PartNum],
	[Part].[PartDescription] as [Part_PartDescription],
	[Part].[ClassID] as [Part_ClassID],
	[PartBin].[OnhandQty] as [PartBin_OnhandQty],
	[PartLot].[LotNum] as [PartLot_LotNum],
	[PartLot].[PartLotDescription] as [PartLot_PartLotDescription],
	[Part].[TypeCode] as [Part_TypeCode],
	[PartLot].[LastRefDate] as [PartLot_LastRefDate],
	[PartLot].[FirstRefDate] as [PartLot_FirstRefDate],
	(PartCost.LastLaborCost+PartCost.LastBurdenCost+PartCost.LastMaterialCost+PartCost.LastSubContCost+PartCost.LastMtlBurCost) as [Calculated_TotalLastCost]
from Erp.Part as Part
inner join Erp.PartBin as PartBin on 
	Part.Company = PartBin.Company
	and Part.PartNum = PartBin.PartNum
inner join Erp.PartLot as PartLot on 
	PartBin.Company = PartLot.Company
	and PartBin.PartNum = PartLot.PartNum
	and PartBin.LotNum = PartLot.LotNum
inner join Erp.PartCost as PartCost on 
	PartLot.Company = PartCost.Company
	and PartLot.PartNum = PartCost.PartNum
inner join Erp.PartWhse as PartWhse on 
	PartBin.Company = PartWhse.Company
	and PartBin.PartNum = PartWhse.PartNum
	and PartBin.WarehouseCode = PartWhse.WarehouseCode
	and ( PartWhse.OnHandQty > 0  )

inner join Erp.Warehse as Warehse on 
	PartWhse.Company = Warehse.Company
	and PartWhse.WarehouseCode = Warehse.WarehouseCode

The only thing this BAQ looks for is that there is some quantity on hand. I hope this helps!
Good luck!


I appreciate the answer but it doesn’t help what I need.

I need to be able to see what the On hand qty and demand qty were at a certain date in time.

So if I needed to know each part’s on hand on January 31, 2024, I would run the dashboard and it would give me what the on hand and demand are at the end of january instead of what it is right now.

Does that make sense?

I feel like I am going to have to dive into part transaction history tracker and somehow build the quantities on the fly for the date indicated.

If I do, I am unsure of the trantypes that affect part quantity specifically.

If I am looking for too much work and there is a better way, somebody please tell me!

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Dang! Yeah, adding up the PartTran log is a pain. You can at least review the transaction types in the field description for PartTran.TranType.

Well, the way to get to past states is by starting from current on hand and working backwards from Erp.PartTran.

Just don’t take the transaction quantity at face value. Positive/negative in some cases depends on the perspective of the transacting process rather than inventory’s perspective, and things that don’t change on hand quantities (like cost adjust) record an affected quantity in the same field.

That’s the only hard part. From there you can rewind to past state with a relative windowed function in SQL over ROWS, power query / power bi have lots of options, if you copy to excel there’s sumif, etc.

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I have a not quite finished thing that’s been on the back burner for a bit. For all I know there’s a map of the various meanings of TranQty tucked away in the N*10^5 pages of documentation that I overlooked. I didn’t see anything at the time so I started mapping by hand.

This is what I came up with. Keep in mind that even if this was substantially tested, testing would be limited to the scope of our own transaction history.

   when PartTran.TranClass = 'A'
     then case
       when PartTran.TranType = 'ADJ-QTY'
         then 1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'ADJ-CST'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'ADJ-PUR'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'MFG-VAR'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-PLT'
         then 1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-STK'
         then 1
       else null
   when PartTran.TranClass = 'S'
     then case
       when PartTran.TranType = 'MFG-CUS'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'MFG-VEN'
         then 1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-CUS'
         then -1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-KIT'
         then -1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'KIT-CUS'
         then 0
       else null
   when PartTran.TranClass = 'R'
     then case
       when PartTran.TranType = 'DMR-STK'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'INS-MTL'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'INS-STK'
         then 1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'INS-SUB'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'MFG-PLT'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'MFG-STK'
         then 1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'MFG-WIP'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PLT-STK'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PUR-INS'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PUR-MTL'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PUR-STK'
         then 1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PUR-SUB'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PUR-UKN'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'RMA-INS'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-DMR'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'SVG-STK'
         then 1
       else null
   when PartTran.TranClass = 'X'
     then case
       when PartTran.TranType = 'ADJ-MTL'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'ADJ-SUB'
         then null
       else null
   when PartTran.TranClass = 'I'
     then case
       when PartTran.TranType = 'ASM-INS'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'INS-ASM'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'INS-REJ'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'MTL-INS'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PLT-ASM'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'PLT-MTL'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-ASM'
         then -1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-INS'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-MTL'
         then -1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-SRV'
         then -1
       when PartTran.TranType = 'STK-UKN'
         then 0
       when PartTran.TranType = 'SUB-DMR'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'SUB-INS'
         then null
       when PartTran.TranType = 'WIP-MFG'
         then 0
       else null
   else null
 end * PartTran.TranQty

With a little modification, this worked for the on hand qty.

Now the next question I had with this is how to calculate Demand up to a certain date.

I am unsure on where to start with that.

Do I sum up the quantity of each part that appears on open sales orders up to that date?

Any ideas?

Have you looked at the BookDtl table? You might get there with booked minus shipped.

Checkout table SNTran - it appears like it could help you out.
There is no quantity field because each transaction is quantity one.
PartTranSNTran is another, but summarized. These tables are used in SN Tracker to show the activity of each serial number.

The bookDtl table is a good table that keeps track of the changes of the orderrel and OrderDtl tables, not part transactions.

The demand quantity is not one that you can reach back and capture.
If you wanted to track demand over time, look into the PartDtl which will show you supply and demand. Using an executive query you could collect the demand records over time to report against.

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We snapshotted the tables we wanted and added a snapshot date column to the front of the table. That was the best way I found to keep inventory, or whatever, in an easy way. We used a SQL job to do it.