How do I correct an AR Invoice that has been posted?
I need to be able to void or adjust an AR Invoice that has been posted. I need to be able to rebill at the correct amount.
I am using ERP 10.
How do I correct an AR Invoice that has been posted?
I need to be able to void or adjust an AR Invoice that has been posted. I need to be able to rebill at the correct amount.
I am using ERP 10.
Create a Credit Memo and then Apply the Credit Memo to the Invoice.
It’s been a long time since I’ve assisted accounting processes, but check into the “Write Off and Adjustment” in Accounts Receivable\General Operations.
I believe that what the tool was created for.
Which version of 10? 10.2.600+ I believe they had cancellation invoice for both AP and AR starting then.
cancel was in by 10.2.400 and the quickest way if you have it.
There’s also the AR Posted Invoice Update app… Some fields can be changed after the invoice has been posted.
Didn’t know about this… Any chance the salesreplist can be updated using that?
Doesn’t look like it does. From what I can see, the only fields available for edit are letter of credit, due date, terms and payment method.
I am not seeing “Cancel Invoice” as an option. I see where I can apply a credit memo, but can’t seem to figure out how to create a credit memo.