How can I make my kinetic configurator layout space efficient?

This is what I have in the original configurator…

And this is what I have started in my kinetic configurator

I’m not seeing obvious padding/margin properties, nor do the containers seem to have any properties to make things more or less dense. But I swear some of the Epicor screens are more dense. I would like to get it all to fit on the screen again and not need to scroll… Are there any tricks?

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The best I’ve been able to do (as someone not particularly affected by the generous spacing in Kinetic) is liberal use of nested Column objects - with 4 or more columns, the items really get much more comfortable together. It also helps keep Labels with the input that they belong to…
But top and bottom padding increases a little with each layer of column / groupbox

After spending hours that I don’t have, this is the best I can do. Still not very good, not as easy to understand and not as much data shown.

Perhaps I should give up on making it work the same as the old one and make it multipage :face_vomiting:

Dealing with screen real estate is a challenge even in Classic. With classic you could tweak each individual control size (maybe it is there and I am missing it in Kinetic). For Kinetic I have so far been able to avoid pages but it has gotten tight at times. I use multiple columns to put more items on one line as it looks you have done.

Also I am starting to put items into panels and have them start out as closed. User can open them up when they need them. It doesn’t solve the problem if they open them all and now you are back to vertical scrolling. But if user gets in habit of closing them after working with them it is a bit easier than flipping back and forth between pages to review things.