How Can I Create a New Customization based off of a previous one?

Just load it up and save a new copy of it with a different name

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Step1. in your screen select the customization you want to use. once your screen loaded.
Step 2. Right Click on opened screen and click on Customization.
Step 3. Customization Editor File Menu click Save As and give your new name.

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Thank you sir

it would be sweet if we could layer them cough cough :flushed: Epicor


I did this and renamed the text to a new version but it keeps pulling in the last version as well. Any ideas?

Once you have created your new customization from the older you need to change the menu item launching the screen to the new customization. Once you update that you either have to restart Epicor client on your PC or log back in as yourself using change user to refresh the menu. Now if you are opening it from customization mode and your changes aren’t sticking that’s different and sum-ting broke

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As @jgiese.wci said you have to update your menu customization

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@surendrapal That worked but didn’t entirely answer my question. I right click and select customization. I change that text from “Engineering Workbench 19.9.26 19.5.1” to “Engineering Workbench 19.9.26” and save and it still brings up both of them for some reason…

Note: I copied the 19.5.1 customization and created the 19.9.26 one based off of it.

What I use is:
On the load event of your form write the following:

EpiBaseForm form = sender as EpiBaseForm;
if(form != null)
	form.Text += " - " + form.CustomizationName;

It will copy automatically the name of your custo to the form header text… less confusion when we change the custo under a new name…instead of writing it by hand each time…



I was going to say look for an OnLoad event, somebody is probably writing it there and because of the += it is just appending it, not overwriting it.

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as soon as I enter the load event, for Order entry for instance, form.Text is “Order Entry”, not "Order Entry - previous version "

So using += is valid…it will only attach the current custo name…


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@Aaron_Moreng @surendrapal @jgiese.wci @Hogardy Thanks for the help on an easy question. We’re all sorted out now. :slight_smile: