Hosting Kinetic ERP 11 on VMware vSphere

Are there any compatibility issues with hosting version 11 on VMware vSphere running Windows server?

@asmar I can’t see why not since I have 10.2.700 running on that platform and it has the foundations of K21. I went into the conference planning to move to 700 and doing a dev environment of K21, but now am going to install the latest and turn Kinetic off in production while I upgrade my customizations to function.

Thanks Greg, what version of vSphere are you running?

6.7, but as long as you are running an approved windows server and sql server combination VMWare is just hardware.

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What are common SQL server RAM specs these days?
32 GB?
64 GB?

We are using 64 GB of RAM for SQLServer 2017.


I am doing 64 on the SQL servers. The primary SQL does ERP, QuickShip and DocStar(ECM). I have replication to a second SQL that does Epicor Reporting, inhouse SSRS, Enterprise Search and EDD

I am looking for a Epicor VMware implementation guide with version compatibility between VMware, Windows, SQLserver, and Epicor. The hardware sizing guide for Kinetics only contains information for Windows and SQLserver but not vSphere.

Also, VMware last technical white paper was updated in October of 2011 for Epicor version 9.

@asmar I don’t think Epicor cares about the VMWare version or even knows. They have the generic thick provisioning, vmxnet3 and paravirtual info you will find in a lot of places.

You need to check the VMWare ESXi compatibility to your hardware to get to the latest you can and use PDT or dskspd to check your system.

I am running on the same blades and drives I did for E9 and have just updated the ESXi. It was overkill to make E9 better and now that E10/11 is faster it is still good.

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